analog coffee logo

Business Problem

  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, Analog approached Accolite to help them with a critical problem
  • As more of their business shifted to online ordering, Analog was hit hard by fees from third-party food apps, materially affecting their business

The Solutions

The pilot project was to create an Android and iOS Analog app that would allow Analog’s customers to order online and pick up in person, thus reducing the high fees that Analog is currently paying for this pickup and delivery services.

Another challenge for Analog was that they did not have counter space to support yet another tablet, so Accolite partnered with a SaaS provider Deliveract.

Unified Order Management

The App allowed the orders and product catalog to become unified across multiple curbside/delivery apps (including Analogs own application). The App saved Analog significant time and headache as they can now unify their ordering and inventory system across multiple providers.

Accolite DevOps Advantage

This entire system was built using the Accolite SRE team. All aspects of the project delivery have been automated, from code build/deploy pipelines to real-time monitoring of the system with Prometheus dashboards & alerts.

Cloud Transformation Success

Since Analog had never leveraged cloud computing before, the Accolite SRE team setup AWS Control Tower and added all the necessary security controls. The solution consisted of Aurora PostgreSQL and Microsoft C# DotNet Core WebAPI services hosted using Docker, ECR, and EKS.

Value Delivered

Analog Customers can order coffee, pastries, and other merchandise from the comfort of their home or when they are enroute to one of the locations without costing Analog a huge margin to be paid to 3rd-party apps.

It also encourages a well branded experience for analog’s loyal customer base to help them through this COVID pandemic and beyond.

The Technology

  • Flutter – native iOS and Android app, with a single codebase
  • AWS EKS and ECR (compute)
  • Firebase (AuthN/AuthZ)
  • AWS Aurora PostgreSQL
  • SES email notifications (Control Tower)
  • Cloud Watch logging, Prometheus Dashboards & Alerts